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Constitution (Society Act, Form 3)

1. Name

The name of the Society shall be the Richmond Nature Park Society

2. Objects

The objects of the Society shall be:

  1. To develop Richmond Nature Park, municipal property in Sec. 1 of Bl. 4 North, Range 6 West, and the Nature Study Centre Municipal property in Sec. 6 of Bl. 4 North, Range 5 West, in such a manner as to provide the fullest possible enjoyment for the general public, while at the same time, protecting the natural bog environment from being damaged or destroyed.
  2. To encourage public awareness of our natural resources and to foster an interest in natural history.
  3. To provide facilities and materials to assist students and others to acquire knowledge in natural history.
  4. To actively cooperate with like organizations to promote non-destructive development of recreational areas.
  5. To carry out ecological studies of various areas and to undertake research projects relative to natural history.
  6. To undertake projects to improve the quality of areas for passive recreation.

3. Location

The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried on in the Municipality of Richmond in the Province of British Columbia.

4. Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the Society, the assets of the Society remaining after satisfaction of its liabilities and the proposed dissolution costs would become the property of The Corporation of the Township of Richmond, Recreation Department, to be disbursed of as they see fit.

(The provisions as set forth in Section 4 are unalterable).

Saturday, April 18, 2021
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