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November 19, 2020
Ditches and Webs

The ditches are still full and you could be forgiven for thinking we had a river rather than a completely enclosed ditch. On Monday, Richmond was hidden in fog and it seemed as though every leaf and every twig of every bush and tree was joined to the next with spiders' webs, sparkling with mist.

November 12, 2020
The Nature Park is looking and feeling a little Novemberish - unsurprisingly. The leaves have almost all fallen now, the squirrels are in hyperdrive and with all the recent rain, the ditches are filling up. In spite of everything dying down however, the Labrador Tea already has tips of new growth. We haven't seen any frogs or turtles in the pond for some time, but the bird feeding area is still full of activity.

November 6, 2020
Wildlife Garden

I took these pictures last week, lest you should think that Richmond Nature Park has its own weather system whilst the rest of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island withstands the deluge.

Our Wildlife Garden, which has been realised over the past year, has been given an award by the BCLANA, and try as I might, I cannot remember what the initials after BC stand for. 

However, they have been impressed with the design, including the use of native species and the potential for education.  We are hoping that the award will be presented early next month by a representative of the association.

Hi You had a busy summer, I see! Very interesting to read about the parklife. You did hard work...! Through the volonteering in the Richmond Nature Park my eyes are opened wide in my country too.... Please say hallo to all we know. Yours Lea
Lea Hafner
September 26,2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020
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