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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers play an important role at the Nature Park. They help with educational programs, special events and park operations. Volunteer bird-watchers and botanists add to bio-inventory databases.

Weekend Volunteers

Weekend volunteers help maintain the trails and other features of the park, and may be involved in set-up for public programs and festivals.  Trail maintenance involves the cutting and removal of invasive shrubs and application of bark mulch to wet or uneven areas.

Wildlife Garden

Volunteers are involved in development, planting and maintenance of this garden, which demonstrates ways of attracting wildlife. Duties include watering, weeding and preparation of beds.

For more information on volunteering at the Nature Park, please contact us at 604-718-6188 or nature@richmond.ca

Character from our "Wild Things" Halloween Event

Thursday, October 18, 2020
[4] Visitors Currently Online